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- - Protest Statement - Please do not add fin whales to the commercial whaling program
- 【声明】イルカ&クジラ・アクション・ネットワークは、商業捕鯨への ナガスクジラ追加に反対します
- [Press Release] Demand for whale meat is now so low in Japan, it is used for pet food
- The Japanese governmenta is writing a new law that can ensure the continuance of commercial whaling
- Answers from the Fisheries Agency regarding the open letter from us.
- On the resumption of commercial whaling
- We Oppose Japan’s Withdrawal from the IWC
- Stop Issuing “Introduction from the Sea” Certificates; Stop Distributing Sei Whale Meat
- We Oppose Japan’s “IWC Reform” Proposal
- Joint Statement NGOs call on Japanese Government to: Comply with CITES and Stop Distributing Sei Whale Meat
- It's not culture, but the interest of the Fisheries Agency
- Japanese NGOs urge political parties: Drop the proposed bill on Research Whaling, and stop wasting taxpayers’ money
- Japanese NGO Joint Statement Regarding the International Whaling Commission’s meeting 66
- Disaster Recovery Funds Used to Cover the Research Whaling Debts Must Be Returned
- Website message
- 23.7 gram!?
- About Us
- Our Actions
- Coastal Small Cetacean Conservation
- Statement on Taiji Dolphin Hunt
- Regarding the death of the last orca of the Taiji 5 captured in 1997
- Dolphin hunting Quota (2008-2009)
- Open letter about the new dolphin catch quota
- The dolphin catch quota was amended for the first time in 14 years
- The leaflet 'Small cetacean hunting on the coast of Japan' distributed at IWC meeting had few mistakes.
- We never forget you
- Ten Years after Taiji Orca Capture
- Seibu Group's Prince Hotel Wants to Have Dolphin Shows
- Russian capture of orca whale slammed in San Francisco
- Problems around the keeping of Orcas at Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium
- Russian Sets up First Nature Reserve for Grey Whales
- Do not let Nagoya Port Aquarium introduce live orcas!
- Free the 3 Orcas Captured in Taiji '97
- Another Orca Dies at Japanese Aquarium!
- Japanese Dolphin and Porpoise Hunting
- Dolphin hunt at Futo! Let's take ACTION to protest.
- Dolphin Hunting Videos at Futo in 1999
- Dolphin Hunt in violation at Futo '96
- Whaling Issue
- - Protest Statement - Please do not add fin whales to the commercial whaling program
- [Press Release] Demand for whale meat is now so low in Japan, it is used for pet food
- The Japanese governmenta is writing a new law that can ensure the continuance of commercial whaling
- Answers from the Fisheries Agency regarding the open letter from us.
- On the resumption of commercial whaling
- We Oppose Japan’s Withdrawal from the IWC
- Stop Issuing “Introduction from the Sea” Certificates; Stop Distributing Sei Whale Meat
- We Oppose Japan’s “IWC Reform” Proposal
- Joint Statement NGOs call on Japanese Government to: Comply with CITES and Stop Distributing Sei Whale Meat
- It's not culture, but the interest of the Fisheries Agency
- Japanese NGOs urge political parties: Drop the proposed bill on Research Whaling, and stop wasting taxpayers’ money
- NGOs tell Japanese government: Approving more research whaling is a waste of taxpayers’ money and a risk to Japan’s reputation
- Joint Statement We Demand the Government of Japan to Revoke NEWREP-NP!
- Japanese NGO Joint Statement Regarding the International Whaling Commission’s meeting 66
- We are against research whaling for the reasons stated below:
- Joint Statement Stop NEWREP-A: The Research Plan Ignores International Rules
- Joint Statement “Retract the amendment to the ICJ compulsory jurisdiction agreement and withdraw from the implementation of the new research whaling plan”
- [Joint Statement] Strong Concerns Over the Import of Meat of Rare Fin Whales from Iceland
- [Joint Statement] Stop the new research whaling plan
- [Joint Statement] Stop All Research Whaling
- We Support the Ruling by the International Court of Justice and Welcome the Halt of Research Whaling
- Disaster Recovery Funds Used to Cover the Research Whaling Debts Must Be Returned
- Nisshin Maru returned to Tokyo Oi Futo Wharf
- Iceland Is Killing Endangered Fin Whales for Japanese Pet Treats
- Now is the Chance to Change to Non-lethal Research
- Research Whaling: Heading Towards Nationalization
- Joint Statement - "Please Terminate Research Whaling"
- We Request for an Urgent Review and the Return of Disaster Recovery Fund Used on Research Whaling
- A Request an End to Research Whaling and the Inappropriate Use of Tax Money
- Open Letter on Continuation of Research Whaling by Applying “Profitable Fisheries.”
- 23.7 gram!?
- Whale Meat Doesn't Sell: The ICR Reports Miserable Result of Auction
- Oct. 31 2011 NGO Joint Statement
- Rescue ICR? not the victims of 3.11?
- Booklet: Research Whaling? It's Time to Finally Stop.
- Whale Meat -rapidly increasing stocks and a huge potential stock Excluded Iceland's Fin Whale in the Japanese National Survey
- IKAN Welcomes the Early End of Research Whaling
- J-stock minke whales threatened: the reality of bycatch
- Dumped meat?
- "Whales are eating up all the fish" ? -- No way!!
- Investigating the sale of whale meat -the "byproduct" of research whaling - Supply, Price and Inventory
- Let Me Have a Say on the Antarctic Scientific Research Whaling (JARPA II)
- Opening Statement for the 55th IWC from IKAN
- Opening statement for the 54th IWC from IKAN
- A Contribution to The Japan Observer Vol 7/7 July 2001
- Protest Against the Plan to Accelerate Import of Contaminated Whale Blubber
- Stop the Research Whaling Right Now
- Please stop "research" whaling in North Pacific Ocean!
- Whales are stealing 'our fish'???
- Opening statement for the 52nd IWC from IKAN
- Our Policy Recommendations about Marine Environment and Marine Mammals
- Past Declarations, Requests, Protest notes, etc.
- Coastal Small Cetacean Conservation
- IKAN Guide to Whales
- baleenwhale
- Bowhead Whale - Balaena mysticetus Linnaeus
- Right Whale - Eubalaena Gracialis
- Gray Whale - Eschrichtius robustus
- Blue whale - Balaenoptera musculus
- Fin Whale - Balaenoputera Physalus
- Sei Whale - Balaenoptera borealis
- Bryde's Whale - Balaenoputera Edeni
- Minke Whale - Balaenoptera acutorostrata
- Humback Whale - Megaputera Novaeangliae
- toothedwhale
- Finless Porpoise - Neophcaena Phocaenoides
- Dall's porpoise - Phocaenoides Dalli
- Rough Toothed Dolphin - Steno Bledanensis
- Bottlenose Dolphin - Tursiops Trancates
- Striped Dolphin - Stenella Coeruleoalba
- Pantropical Spotted Dolphin - Stenella Atenuata
- Common Dolphin - Delphinas Delphis
- Pacific White-sided Dolphin - Lagenoryncus Obliquidens
- Melon-headed Whale - Peponocephara Electra
- False Killer Whale - Pseudorca Crassidense
- Orca (Killer whale) - Orcinus orca
- Short-Finned Pilot Whale - Globicephala macrorhynchus
- Risso's Dolphin - Grampus Griseus
- Cuvier's Beaked Whale - Ziphius Cavirostris
- Baird's Beaked Whale - Berardius Bairdii Stejneger
- Sperm Whale - Phiseter Macrocephalus
- Pygmy Sperm Whale / Dwarf Sperm Whale - Cogia breviceps / Cogia Sium
- baleenwhale
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