bow head whale (hokkyoku kujira) / right whale (semi kujira) / pigmyrightwhale (kosemi kujira)
gray whale (koku kujira)
blue whale (sironagasu kujira) / fin whale (nagasu kujira) / sei whale (iwasi kujira) / Bryde’s whale (nitari kujira) / minke whale (minku kujira) / humpback whale (zato kujira)
harbour porpoise (nezumi iruka) / finless porpoise (sunameri) / Dall’s porpoise (ishi iruka)
roughtoothed (siwahairuka) / bottlenose (handou iruka) / striped (suji iruka) / pantropical spotted (madara iruka) / northern right whale dolphin (semi iruka) / common (mairuka) / long-beaked common (hase iruka) / Fraser’s (Sarawak iruka) / pacific white-sided (kama iruka) / melon-headed whale (kazuha gondo) / pygmy killer whale (yume gondo) / false killer whale (oki gondo) / orca - killer whale (shachi) / lomfinnedpilotwhale (hirenaga gondo) / short-finned pilot whale (kobire gondo) / Risso’s dolphin (hana gondo)
Cuvier’s beaked whale (akabo kujira) / Baird’s beaked (tuchi kujira) / Stejneger’s beaked (ohgi hakujira) / Hubbs’ (habbus ohgi hakujira) / Blainville’s (kobuhakujira) / ginkgo-Toothed (ichou hakujira)
sperm whale (makkou) / Pygmysperm (komakko) / dwarf (ogawamak ko)
Name of whales without link are under construction. Coming soon.
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