アジア系/西太平洋個体群 コククジラを救うアクションを!
- 詳細
- 作成日 2003年2月19日(水曜)10:46
ロシアサハリン北東部沿岸 に生息している一種のクジラが今危機的な状況に直面しています。「コククジラ」です。コククジラは世界で「絶滅危惧」にあると認識されており、その頭数は100頭以下です。ロシアの環境保護家らがこの絶滅危機にあるクジラをすくうための国際アクションを模索しています。
ここ数年、このコククジラをめぐる状況は悪化しています。コククジラのえさ場と沖合いの油・ガスが埋蔵している場所が重なって いるのです。そして今、シェルとエクソンモービル率いる二つの合弁会社がアジア系個体群(西太平洋個体群)コククジラのえさ場のすぐそばで油とガスの掘削を行っています。両企業は、 水面下で人口地震爆破を行い、シェルは掘削廃棄物を海に投棄しています。これは始まりにすぎません。今後、港の建設、海底パイプラインの敷設、更なる掘削 施設の設置が計画されています。
President Vladimir Putin
103132, Moscow, Staraya Polshad', 4, Russia
Fax: (011) 7(095)205-4330 or 206-5173
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Lee Raymond
5959 Las Colinas Boulevard
Irving, Texas 75039-2298
Fax: (972) 444-1138
Phone: (972) 444-1000
Phillip Watts
Shell Oil
Shell Centre
SE1 7NA, United Kingdom
Fax: (011) 44 20 7934 8060
Take Action Now to Save the Western Pacific Gray Whale!
February 19, 2003, is recognized in Russia as International Whale Day, a day to celebrate and protect the world's largest creatures. It is part of Whale Week, an internationally recognized week of whale appreciation.
A species of whale that calls the shores of Sakhalin Island, in the Russian Far East, their home is facing an immediate threat. The Western Pacific Gray Whale is recognized around the world as critically endangered. Less than 100 whales remain in the population. Russian environmentalists and whale enthusiasts are seeking international action to save these endangered whales.
In the last few years, life has taken a turn for the worse for these beautiful giants. Their feeding grounds coincide with the location of
large offshore oil and gas deposits. And now, two international oil consortiums led by Shell and ExxonMobil are drilling for oil and gas in
and nearby Western Pacific Gray Whale feeding grounds. Both companies have carried out underwater seismic blasts, and Shell has dumped drilling waste directly into the sea. If these oil consortiums have their way, then this is only the beginning. The companies plan to build piers, underwater oil pipelines, and another oil platform.
There is still time to prevent these projects from harming the whales' survival! Shell and ExxonMobil can move forward only after receiving positive environmental impact reviews from the Russian government. Write a letter, send a fax, or make a phone call before or on February 19 to some key decision-makers, and demand that they not threaten these whales!
Go to www.pacificenvironment.org/russia/whaleweek for sample letters
contact information for key decision-makers.
A few minutes of your time now may mean survival for these whales.
Please forward this on to others!
Rory Cox
Communications Coordinator
Pacific Environment
1440 Broadway, Suite 306
Oakland, CA 94612
Ph: 510/251-8800 x302
Protecting the Living Environment of the Pacific Rim
*To find out more about the international campaign to reform Export Credit Agencies (ECAs), go to http://www.eca-watch.org .
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