Investigating the sale of whale meat -the "byproduct" of research whaling - Supply, Price and Inventory

Investigating the sale of whale meat -the "byproduct" of research whaling - Supply, Price and Inventory -(pdficon large10MB)

Let Me Have a Say on the Antarctic Scientific Research Whaling (JARPA II)

The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW) grants permits to take whales to the body who wishes to research whales, with the agreement of the contracting government of the convention which the body belongs to. As this treaty was written in 1946 when the whaling industry was in its peak, the "research" in the text referred to the voluntary scientific research in concurrent to the whaling activities that were taking place. As a result, nobody suspected that this treaty was going to be used as a loophole for taking whales for commercial purposes.

In 1986, the moratorium came into effect. The Japanese government took an advantage of this method, and launched a whaling operation that did not require the international agreement. 20 years have now passed since then- Japan has been


Opening statement for the 54th IWC from IKAN


Request for more discussions that have a positive contribution to cetacean conservation

Dolphin and Whale Action Network is a citizens group dedicated to working for the conservation of dolphins and whales from in Japan. We recognize the serious impact of Japanese whaling and dolphin hunts, and also the human-induced climate changes and marine water pollution on whale species.

We feel there is a need for the immediate and sustainable whale conservation plans, and present the following to IWC.


Opening Statement for the 55th IWC from IKAN


Dolphin and Whale Action Network (IKAN) Opening Statement

IKAN is a dolphin and whale conservation group working mainly within Japan. As an island country, Japan has been nourished by the wealth of the surrounding waters for hundreds of years. The ocean, although sometimes referred to as the 'food factory' by the fishing industry, is not only providing us food, but also maintaining our moderate climate and the rich biomes.

However, to the generation that was disparately devoted to the nation's economical reconstruction after World War II, the natural resources, including marine organisms, only meant more exploitation for human proliferation. As a result,


A Contribution to The Japan Observer Vol 7/7 July 2001

Gloomy Debate on Greedy Whaling:

Is the debate about whaling really a conflict of interests between Japan and Western countries?

Every year when the IWC meeting comes to a close, the news articles that are presented about whaling appear frequently in Japan. Media reports are mainly from the government controlled industry of information, so in this season we'll have to deal with those one-sided or highly biased reports. Generally the controversy on whaling is accepted as a conflict of interests between Japan and Western countries. Those who support whaling argue that the conflict is between Japanese who try to maintain what they claim to be their cultural traditions, and Westerners who not only lack understanding of other cultures but also impose their cultural values on others. On the other hand, there are arguments that Japan is an "environmental predator" or behaving like a "gang of thugs"

